When I was starting to explore my style in photography and different genres, I was always curious about macro. Then I got my macro lens, the Tamron 90mm 1:2.8, as a gift and since then, macro has always been my favourite photography style. One of the very best things about spring, for example, is the fact that all flowers and insects are coming back to life - which means that it is the season of lying on your stomach in the grass trying to shoot those things. Some of the pictures I am most proud of are actually close-ups of insects. Macro lenses are also great when photographing in aquarias, which I will show you a bit further down. If I am going to a regular zoo I usually bring a tele lens, but for aquarias I like to take my macro lens with me. The enclosures are usually small enough that the animal will be close to you, and the light in them is usually sufficient to take great macro photographs. And also, these are animals that you (at least for me, in Sweden) are unlikely to meet on your regular forest walks, so as for all types of zoos, it is very nice to have them available at a close distance in nice light and environments. I took these pictures in an aquarium during my latest trip to Stockholm. The lemur picture is not that great, I just wanted to include it because I really like ring-tailed lemurs... The other two I think look nice, and especially the frog picture is not obviously photographed in a zoo, right?
Also. This lens is SHARP.
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